ASIP 6.0 Training

ASIP 6.1 Training

ASIP 6.2:
Mail Server







updated: 3/15/99 





Installation & Use

New Mail Server Features

AppleShare IP 6.2 Mail server has the following new features: 

Automatic mail database verification
The AppleShare IP 6 Mail Server checks and verifies the mail database every time you start up the server or after a set period of time. This feature is particularly useful if the mail database has been damaged or has not been closed properly. If the Mail Server detects a problem with the database, the user is notified. You may choose to verify immediately or if the server is unattended, verification begins automatically after a 30 second delay. The Mail Server verifies the database and prevents any loss of data. However, in some rare cases such as low free memory or low free disk space, the Mail Server will be unable to complete a mail database verification. You then need to run the AppleShare IP Mail Tool application to recover the mail database.

Support for Realtime Blackhole List (RBL) anti-spam sites
The Mail Server allows you to prevent unwanted mail by checking and blocking a connection. When you enable this option, the Mail Server compares the incoming connection's originating address against an active list on a server maintained by a private company. If the originator is on this list, the connection is refused and the originator's mail will not be delivered to the Users on your AppleShare IP mail server.

For additional information on the Realtime Blackhole List (RBL) service, please visit the web site MAPS (the Mail Abuse Prevention System) RBL (our Realtime Blackhole List)

To configure your Mail Server to subscribe to a Realtime Blackhole site:

1- Open the Mail Server Admin

2- Pull down the Server menu and select Advanced Settings...

3- Click on the Anti-Spam tab and choose either Default or Custom RBL server address

Remote POP account download support
In addition to ETRN, the AppleShare IP 6 Mail Server allows the administrator to contact remote POP mail servers to retrieve mail. You can periodically log on to a POP inbox by configuring the account, schedule, and network information.

For example, you may have your company's website ( set up to send mail from customers or visitors at the website to your company. This POP3 mail account (BusyBeeLtd) resides on the webhosting company's email system ( and needs to be forwarded to your company's internal mail system several times a day. A POP3 account would need to be configured to download this customer email.


1- Open the Mail Admin program.

2- Pull down the Server menu and Choose Show POP Account List.

    The POP accounts list window appears.

3- Click the BusyBeeLtd name in the POP accounts list.

    The POP account information window appears. 


4- Click the Account tab and check the Enable Account Connection box.

    Click the APOP checkbox only if the Mail Server is contacting a server that supports authenticated POP.

After the Mail Server downloads mail from the POP server, you can route it to different local user destinations.

5- Click "Local destinations found in message headers" to send mail to the address(es) mentioned in the message header. Click "A single user or group" and select a user or group to send mail as blind carbon copies to a single user or group. To route mail to both a user or group and to local destinations, click "Local destinations and blind carbon copies."

As you will note, BusyBeeLtd is a local mail group address that will send the customer mail to three different Customer Service rep email accounts.

6- Click the Schedule tab to schedule the Mail Server's connection to the POP mail server to retrieve email.

    To customize the connection schedule, select Custom. For instance, you can customize the schedule to set the Mail Server to connect to only Monday-Friday every 3 hours between 7am and 5pm. (To connect repeatedly, select "Repeating connection" and enter the time. The default is 20 minutes. To connect only when you specify, select "Connect manually".)

7- In the Network area the administrator can set the network connection timeout and read/write timeout (default is 120 seconds) and choose a custom port number when contacting the POPmail server.


8- Click the Statistics tab to get information about the POP account.

BusyBeeLtd wants to take an additional step to ensure that no one within the company can send out mail via the mail server. The webhosting company's mail system is only used for inbound mail from customers who visited the web site. The rest of BusyBeeLtd's inbound/outbound email traffic is handled by a different local ISP.

To restrict outgoing mail to, its Host list has to be edited as follows:

1- Open the Mail Admin program.

2- Pull down the Server menu and Choose Show Host List.

3- Click on the New Host button. A New Host window will appear.

4- Click on the Mail From tab and select Allow mail from host.

    This will allow mail sent from the company website to reach Customer Service reps using BusyBeeLtd group email address.

5- Click on the Mail To tab and select Delete mail to host.

    This will ensure that other employees do not send out email thru this webhosting mail server.
    Check mark the Notify options so that sender and postmaster are notified.

Shared Users & Groups support

The AppleShare IP 6 Mail Server supports the shared Users & Groups primary and secondary system configurations. This allows the administrator to configure the Mail Server to run on either a primary or a secondary Users & Groups system. In addition, you can also configure multiple Mail Servers to run on the primary and the secondary systems to share and distribute mail load. The AppleShare IP 6 Mail Server allows you to specify the mail server that is responsible for storing mail for each user so that multiple mail servers sharing a common Users & Groups file can unambiguously determine the destination mail server for any user in the shared Users & Groups system. The administrator provides the TCP/IP address of the mail server that stores mail for the user.

Please refer to the Apple Support Tech Info Library web page for additional information on the Use and Troubleshooting of this new feature.


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